Welcome to the website for In re GreenSky Securities Litigation (the “Settlement”).

This matter is a proposed Settlement of claims in a pending securities class action brought by investors alleging that Defendants violated the Securities Act of 1933 by making material misstatements and omissions in the Offering Documents for the GreenSky IPO. Defendants deny each and all of Lead Plaintiffs’ allegations. Among other things, Lead Plaintiffs allege that in the Offering Documents, Defendants did not disclose the financial impact of the Company’s decision to shift away from one of its most profitable business segments. Lead Plaintiffs further allege that when the true facts regarding the alleged misstatements and omissions were revealed, artificial inflation was removed from the price of Greensky common stock issued in the IPO.

If you are a member of the Settlement Class, your rights will be affected and you may be eligible for a payment from the Settlement. The Settlement Class consists of:

All persons and entities who purchased GreenSky Class A common stock pursuant and/or traceable to the Registration Statement and Prospectus (the “Offering Documents”) issued in connection with GreenSky’s May 25, 2018 initial public offering (the “GreenSky IPO”) and were damaged thereby.

Please read the Notice to fully understand your rights and options.

Payments to eligible claimants will be made only after any appeals are resolved, and after the completion of all claims processing. Please be patient, as this process will take some time to complete.

October 9, 2021
Claim Filing Deadline
To be eligible to receive a payment from the Settlement, you must mail the Claim Form and supporting documentation, postmarked no later than October 9, 2021 in accordance with the instructions in the Notice and Claim Form.
September 28, 2021
Exclusion Deadline

To exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you must submit a written request for exclusion so that it is received no later than September 28, 2021, in accordance with the instructions in the Notice.

September 28, 2021
Objection Deadline
Any objections to the proposed Settlement, the proposed Plan of Allocation, or the request for attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of Litigation Expenses, must be received no later than September 28, 2021, in accordance with the instructions in the Notice.
October 19, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
Final Aproval Hearing
To attend the Final Approval Hearing and/or ask to speak in Court about the fairness of the Settlement, see the instructions in the Notice. The Final Approval Hearing will be held on October 19, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. before the Honorable Alvin K. Hellerstein at the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse, 500 Pearl St., Courtroom 14D, New York, New York 10007, or by telephone or video conference (in the discretion of the Court)

The Notice has more information on your rights as a Settlement Class Member in this Settlement.